I have been taking my 1 month old daughter out into public and for one, I cannot keep people from trying to touch her. I constantly have to tell people not to touch her, they are strangers. (Had to do same with my belly when I was prego). They always want to stop and talk to us about how pretty her hair is and how she looks like a little doll. However, sometimes..people look at me like I am nuts for having her in public this early and some have even commented. I took my son out in public the day after he was born and never shielded him from small amounts of germs and he went to daycare. He has been sick twice his entire life. My daughter has done same for this entire month and she has not been sick yet. However, I know too many moms now who's kids are sick all the time, they say they waited a few months, and they ridicule me for taking my kid out "too early". Anyone else have this problem?
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
Just FYI, there is no "American Pediatric Association." But you knew that.
I loved that answer:
"I work in a pediatric emergency room..."
No, you do not.
Real Nit-wit, Bull Sh!t Now?
Anyway. No, and reading your question, the first thing I thought was "Where on earth do you live?"
We left the hospital asap, so had to go out to take our baby for the PKU test when she was a couple of days old. We stopped at the supermarket on the way home, and got everybody from a great-grandfather to teen-agers stopping to say "Awww," and so on.
Nobody suggested she shouldn't be out, and nobody tried to touch her (well, not quite. One small girl did, but her mother quickly moved her hand away).
Nobody bothered my belly while I was pregnant, either.
Is this a Canada/US difference, I wonder?
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
Maybe they are amazed at how good you looked for just having a baby?
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
i love the answer above... lol very funny but so racist... but true lol
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
well then tell them to please back off and she is little she can get infections i understand ur pain but im not a mother.... but still why dont you try to tell them stay away or hang a sign or sumthing lol
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
now i feel bad for sayin ppls kids are cute bc ur acting like its rude or somethin. geez. u tell ppl not to touch her but u send her to daycare w/ a bunch of strangers kids and workers who touch her all day? i dont see any problem w/taking her out at one month old but the rest of ur rant makes no sense.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
Oh my god i know what you mean my parents had the same belifes i think its a different generation thing. i to had my son out in public im not one of those people who freak about germs etc because thats how children build their immunity to certain things i mean we once lived in caves not exactly much hygeine there. All i can say is just let people comment you know whats right and thats all that matters
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
some people feel dressing up or down in particular weather is the issue.. but sometimes people expect you to sit home andrecover.. my sister was cut below to have her son, and couldn't walk for 2 months.. but your fine.. just make sure you explain to people that you got to move on and work and take care of baby....if the baby is happy, who the fk cares? your fine and as for the other mandevoshka's comment below... tell him to fk off!
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
They are insecure about being a good mom, and throw their insecurities on you. They are insecure because their babies are always sick, so they feel like 'bad moms'...only feeding their insecurities.
Ask them "honestly: don't you think you should be more concerned about learning ways to keep your own children healthy? Mine don't seem to ever get sick, probably because their immune systems get a little workout now and then..."
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
I also had things said to me when I took my son out two weeks after he was born. I would just ignore them , although it would tick me off. I knew that if I would be taking him out this early though, that someone would want to touch and hold him. I let them, those that I knew. I had one or two people who touched him that I did not know. BUT that is the chance you take when taking them out in public this early. Either you do and don't mind them getting touched, or you keep them at home, Either way, it is your decision to make. Don't let anyone else tell you different. Just remind them kindly that you are her mother and will decide what is best for her. :)
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
I don't see a problem with it. I had a June baby and a September baby and took them wherever I went. I was a nursing mom, and the household errands just don't stop because you have a baby.
I never had a problem with people wanting to touch them. I do not blame you for telling them to keep their hands off.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
I know what you mean, we took our son actually all 3 of my kids out shopping the day we left the hospital and everyone did the same thing. Having a baby isn't going to slow me down at all. I actually found the more you take your children out the less often they get sick. My oldest never got sick, but my middle child who stayed inside the majority of the time once he was born because they were 2 yrs apart was always sick with something. I have a 3 month old and I've been taking him everywhere I go. My other 2 kids are now 6 and 8.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
I have know idea why people would look at you like your crazy.Do they think you should not go out also?I took my kids out as soon as i got out of hospital(i have 3) and never got strange looks. It could depend when and where your taking your daughter.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
Ay mami they did the same thing to me when I had my first son. Especially since he was born Jan 8th and there was snow everywher but really what could I do? I had to go to the store and I can't leave him home alone, now Im pregnant again (Another boy) and I know exactly what you mean with the touching. I don't know if they think we like to have our bellys rubbed but we're not dogs, we're people and being friendly is one thing. We don't want to be touched and reminded about our bellys, trust us we know their there! They kick us after all lol. but Don't worry about how people look at you because you don't have to go home to any of them. My son never got sick, all winter and through summer he was plenty healthy. This winters comming again and he's only have a runny nose. Babies aren't as fragile as people believe they are.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
I am the mother of 5 children, and my oldest son is 11. I have done the same as you. I even went to lunch at subway with my sister when my oldest son was only 6 days old! The idea that keeping them in will protect them is just a wives tale in my opinion, because my kids have gotten sick even when we were all just home together not really going anywhere, like during vacation from school.
I also had people always stopping me and telling me how beautiful my daughter was, and so many people told me she should model I lost track. Just smile and say thanks to their praise, since I think people don't realize you hear it all the time and are just trying to be nice. She is 6 now, and most of the attention has passed, so just bear with it unless someone is out of line, of course.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
ive never really thought about it, tell you the truth. i guess the earlier you take him/her out, the earlier he/she builds up his immune system. one other thing and i know this is different, but the only time i look at a parent like they were crazy is if they take their infant to a ballgame. now that's ridiculous.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
I'm with you! I hated that!! My first I took out at 3 weeks and my second just a few days and both of them have rearly been sick! But as for the ppl trying to touch her (ugh!) maybe try making a cute little note (cut it out to look like a baby or something) that says please dont touch, or whatever you want and pinning it to the stroller in plain sight. When in doubt, or just frustrated, remember, no one could be a better mom for your little ones than you, hands down, you know what you're doing!! Good luck!
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
I don't see a problem with taking your baby out in public. Most kids these days are overprotected.
I don't understand why strangers come up to pregnant women/new mothers and get a touchy. I guess you need to be upfront about it and say no.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
You most have an extremely cute baby. Just tell them that she's not to be disturbed. Be polite, yet stern. Thats your child. You decide whats best.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
It's probably cultural. I grew up in Spain, and it is completely normal to smile at, talk to and touch a pretty child. Some would even give them candy, and the parents wouldn't even blink an eye. Here in California, you'd never dare touch somebody's kid. A stranger touching a 1-month old is not appropriate. Taking your kids out is great, and I'm sure you're wise enough not to expose your kids to obvious health threats, like hospitals at a very early age. It is hard to measure how much of a kid's health issues are due to have been taken out too young or not.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
really, that's weird..........maybe they just think she's too young to be out and about. or they are sick evil babyhaters.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
From a scientific perspective, I can see how taking your children out early helps them develop a tolerance for common illnesses. But from a socio-cultural perspective, most people don't believe that's a good idea. Personally, if it works for you keep doing what you're doing! And unless you stop and pay attention to the strangers who want to get too close,
I couldn't possibly take my child out until s/he is AT LEAST two months, but that's just my preference.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
YES, I did and I would tell them to mind their owe business and I raise my children the way I want. If they are rude enough to give you looks or say something, I would treat them the same way. It is your children and you raise them how you want. There is no age limit on when you should take your child out. So you go girl........
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
I dont let anyone touch or kiss my 8 week old son, and i have been taking him out since he was 2 weeks old, just tell them dont touch. I dont take him out where there is a lot of kids walking around, because you have a lot of irresponsible parents who are not up to date with there kids shots, dont worry what others say, who's the mother???
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
Yes however i did not give a hoot about what people thought.I took my babies out in public as soon as i got out of the hospital.All of them grew up very healthy.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
I hate this too. I had one old man tell me that my son was so cute he would take him home. I quickly left the shop as I was a little concerned with that comment. I found that carrying Jaksyn in a carrier with him facing me people would tend to leave me alone as they had to come too close to me to have a look. I dont know why people do this, Im sure they wouldnt like it if you walked up to them and said "Gee arent you cute" and pinched them on the cheek
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
I took my daughter to Walmart on the way home from the hospital so I could pick up some things we hadn't gotten before she was born. I don't remember anyone looking at me like I was crazy but TO MANY people wanted to touch her. I just told them to please not do so. She has been sick very little in the last 4 years and recovers pretty quickly when she is. I found some cute shirts and onsies that have little sayings like "please don閳ユ獩 touch my hands I put them in my mouth"
The link is below.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
I loved when people stopped to talk to me and my baby. I was so proud to show her off. I had a few people try to touch her, but I was polite but firm when I said no. I took my girl out when she was 1 month old. I had stuff to do!! She's 11 months old now and has never been sick. I stopped sterilizing at about 2 months also. Hot tap water is what I used after that. I read in a medical magazine that they believe that extreme allergies could be caused by over cleaning and sterilizing of everything around us. All the antibacterial stuff we use. My dr said that babies need some germs in order to build up an immunity. He was okay with me not sterilizing her bottles anymore.
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
well dont pay attention to what others say i had both my kids out camping by the time they were three days old my son is ten and my little girl is four
and they're extremely healthy besides the fact i been told by their doctor it is unhealthy to stay closed up in a house becase i asked about this when i was being harassed
as for strangers touching and looking at your baby people are like that every where you just have to deal with that part
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
I guess because people see a baby that is tiny and it might make them happy.I went through the same thing with my son, but didn't take him out to early in the public, just becuase the doctor recommended that I shouldn't. Yeah people never did touch him, I was an still over protective.I would tell family that I didn't want people touching him, they might have unclean hands.Didn't want them all in his face, because they might have a cold or be sick. I do know that it is easierfor babies and kids to get more sic, than adults. Just be careful. God Bless!
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
Why do people look at me like I am crazy when I take my 1 month old into public?
the American Pediatric Association does recommend not exposing infants to the elements.....ie.....strangers...public places....Walmart, etc. .outside elements as their immune systems are underdeveloped and cannot handle the stress. Subjecting them to this does not help "build up their immune system" nor does it make them stronger. Fabulous....your son hasn't gotten ill...you were lucky. I work in a pediatric emergency room and see lots of babies who aren't so lucky. It amazes me how uneducated parents are and it saddens me to see them out in public with newborns. The looks you are getting are from intelligent ppl who know better. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I am telling you the truth. Infants should not be exposed to the plethora of germs in the public. They just can't handle it and are at risk for sepsis which can kill them. Good luck with that.
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