Sunday, June 20, 2010

Parents should listen to their kids...Why don't parents liten to their kids?

i have suffered mentally and physically since i was all started at age 13, when i permed my hair, and it was really long...i used to pull my hair out, cut it, all in self destruction...i used to pull at my skin, and all kinds of crazy stuff, linking to how i got vitiligo, then acne...i was teased and bullied all throughout middle and high school for having skin issues and being light skinned and black, and my today on Montel my dad tells me to see the Motel Williams show, and he tells me about the show...and i go on to tell him when i was in middle school i had kids throw books at me, pull my hair, all kinds of bad stuff happened to me...he goes you never told us, i did, and my mom said its no big deal kids are bullied and teased all the time, i was...i lost my long hair, and have been growing it back 2 years...its taken forever to get ride of the skin issues and hair was rough, and i did self destruct, and i am lucky to be alive...

Parents should listen to their kids...Why don't parents liten to their kids?

im sorry girl...... u dont deserve that at all. dont try to change urself for a bunch of stipud little kids that have no life. one day they will all regret it thats why i never made fun i felt so bad about myself if i did. being beautiful doesnt me having the perfect skin and hair...... just being urself and a good person. u have a lot of questions that ive noticed its very interesting i think ur a good person and ur intrigued with the world. oh by the way thanks for ur answer on my boyfriend trouble question this morning i did tlak to him and he is goign with me tonight but hopefully i wont have to go through this again... adn yeah hes still complaining about going but i rather him complain and go than not go lol..... i hope things get better for u.

Parents should listen to their kids...Why don't parents liten to their kids?

People do not have a clue to what is inside of you unless you are open with them and talk to them. They may very well have been your parents but a lot of what you went through and suffered inside of you was there, not on the surface and open to them.

You had them you just may not have used them the way you should have. Parents are there to help, to guide and to assist. They can only do so much if you do not open your heart to them and talk to them about what is going on in your life and around it.

Parents should listen to their kids...Why don't parents liten to their kids?

Cause Parent's always seem to think they know better than there children,just cause they are older!

But it doesn't always mean that they are wiser.....!

Adults have a tainted view,while the kid's have know other reference from there past to cloud what they see....and are honest!

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