Friday, June 18, 2010

Help with my 2 yr old please!!!--- middle child?

he has always been the most demanding one of the 3. my oldest is 5, middle child is 2 and youngest is 1. we cant get him to listen to anything, if this is the "terrible 2's" its been going on since he was born. hes so defiant. i have punished him 9 times in the past hour and he keeps repeating the same thing. its making me crazy. i want whats best for my children and thats why they get punished, but does anyone else have this problem? its not like hes attention starved, he demands the most. if any ot them are on my lap, its him. hes a mommas boy big time, maybe thats why it bothers me so bad that he wont listen. anyway, i just thought i would ask anyone else how they deal with the defiance of a 2 yr old, just to see if theres something im missing. please any helpful advice is very much appreciated. God bless

ps time outs do NOT work with this one, and positive praise doesnt get us too far. hes just kind of difficult sometimes. maybe its the red hair?? (kidding)

Help with my 2 yr old please!!!--- middle child?

Try holding him in time out(not harshly)firmly until he is willing to calm down. Either that or remove him from the opportunity to do whatever he is doing. Plus, are you sure he is getting enough sleep? I know my oldest son is especially hard to handle if he doesn't get enough sleep. At 2 years old they recommend 15hours per day for healthy development. Or maybe getting him on a strict schedule. Some children act up if they just because they are bored or don't know what to do next. Possibly finding him an alternative outlet for his negative energy. Mine did pretty well with finger paints, plus then you have something they will not get to do if they misbehave. Then you can give him something to try and impress you with to get your attention instead of throwing tantrums for it. Good luck, hope this helps.

Help with my 2 yr old please!!!--- middle child?

he is on a schedule, he just wont sleep when he goes to bed. he hates to sleep. he goes down at 8 pm and is up before 6 am, takes a nap during the day for about an hour an a half. Report It

Help with my 2 yr old please!!!--- middle child?

have you seen the autism checklist?

Help with my 2 yr old please!!!--- middle child?

you probley tried this already but im going to suggest it. have you tried just ingoring him since he is a mommas boy and damands your attition all the time ? i do that with one of my neices and she hates it. soon as she sees im not paying any attition to her she will stop then i pay attition to her and explain to her that when she acts like that i will have nothing to do with her. till she acts the way i want her to.

i hope that helps im not to the 2 stage yet but my neice is 10 and it works with her

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