Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kids these days?

is it just me or have elementary school aged kids gotten brattier over the years? Back when i was in elementary school 5 or so years ago, we were all friends. Sure there were some conflicts here and there but in the end, we all had our innocence to keep us friendly with eachother. Now i do volunteer work at the elementary school child care and all those little kids are such brats to eachother! Shoving, hair pulling, slapping, punching, yelling, its gotten so much worse. Maybe its just the school? Maybe its just the home life? whats the deal?!

Kids these days?

i have noticed that as well it the way some parents are raising there kids feeling they can't discipline there child but every child needs discipline also with so many mothers having babies at a super young age when they don't know how to raise a child plays a big part in it and then you got some dead beat dads out here that are not in the child's life and sometimes that helps with the father being there

Kids these days?

Think about back then kids actually could be disciplined and got told no. Makes a difference.

Kids these days?

Yes, I agree that the kids of these days are much brattier. I think it's all the influence of today's society.

Kids these days?

I have noticed it as well I think alot of it has to do with parenting. I have taught my 5 year old daughter to be kind to everyone whether or not you like them. I have taught her to tell people if they hurt your feelings and to work it out and to include everyone in games never exclude anyone.

She comes home from school complaining about how this girl said she couldnt play with them or that girl wouldnt let someone else join in a game and that "Kayla and sara" arent friends anymore because they didnt play at circle time together. You know just petty ridiculous stuff and these girls attack each other for it.

Kids these days?

it is a combination of both, but it all starts in the home. In this day and age their is less discipline, parents fell guilty and give their kids whatever they want, parents worked long hours and don't have the time or energy to fool around with their kids, spoiled, and the list goes on.

You should of heard the language and talk that was coming out of this group of boys the other day at the park across from where we live. Now mind you we live in an upscale neighborhood. These boys were only about 7 at the oldest. It was pure filth and you wouldn't even catch adults talking that horrid.

I use to teach in the school system both Public and Private K-3rd and got out before it got really bad. Also it depends on where you live because my Sister lives in Missouri and she says the kids there are so well behaved.

I am in California and it is bad here!!

Kids these days?

I'm 57, a retired elem/preschool teacher . I think it is that the parents are struggling so hard to keep their heads above water just to feed the family and all, that little proper attention is being paid to the kids, so they have low self worth and also low worth of other human beings, I think they don't value their own lives and that's why we are seeing so many shootings, they have no "value of human life". things need to slow down and focus on raising kids right or not having any !

Kids these days?

YES I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TIL HIGH SCHOOL(i am in grade 7) ALL THE LITTLE KIDS SAY "do you have the panda webkinz or I AM GOING TO MEET ZAC EFRON!!! HA HA HA! i mean its not all the the kids fault THE MOM IS PRESERVING THE KIDS TO BE COOL AND PRETTY!!!! and they licve their life through their daughters!!!

Kids these days?

I have two in grade school and my experience has been much different. I've found MOST of the children to be very respectful and they all seem to get along well. Maybe their school is the exception?

Kids these days?

I think it is the home life, as I have worked in a few different elementary schools. (they were at least a hundred miles apart, so I know it wasn't the town). I think the kids know that the school can only do so much and that they have most likely seen the worst of it. They already know they can act that way at home and nothing will happen. The only consequences they have are whatever the school does, and that is generally just a phone call to the parents and/or suspension. If they had an unexpected punishment that was different than they were used to several times (different each time) then they might quit, as they wouldn't know what was coming. Also, I see children who are very well behaved, but they lack self-confidence, so they follow the crowd. If that means hair pulling and name calling, then so be it. That's what they'll do to fit in somewhere. I've found that positive reinforcement works well for that. Others just seem to think they're getting a reward for deciding to do something nice or behave well every now and then. I think that's what the deal with it is. Seems to be the person in so-called "control" and the parents.

Kids these days?

Alot has to do with both parents working to make ends meet.

Also the lack of some good old-fashioned spankings.

Kids these days?

Ya know I never see this at my children's school. I hear catty remarks made to each other but the school has a very extreme *no touch* policy. They can't even hug!

I do see boys, mostly, pulling on each other and pushing each other down at after school functions and when they are getting on the bus, but I think that's mostly rough housing- not exactly fighting.

from the girls in 3rd grade and up I see a lot of jealousy I never saw when I was a kid. already back stabbing and manipulating each other. I think they learn this from their mothers. ugh. My daughter used to come home crying every day in second and third grade from girls being catty. Now she's learned to handle herself much better.

Kids these days?

yea like my friend one time she was on the elmentary side working in the library for an elective i think and she had this little probably d3rd grader checking books out and she had told him to go ahead and scan his books but he wasnt paying attention so she started talkin to someone else and the kid goes im going to have a heartattack waiting for u to hit the button it was funny she said but really rude she said another time she was in the hall way and that some 3rd graders were in the hallway pointing and laughing at her thats totally messed up! yes they r just getting rude and brattier when i was in there we were all very very nice to each other!

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