Sunday, June 20, 2010

OK I just gotta know, what is a hippie?

allright I've heard this term thrown at just about every disliked political position. I myself have long hair, is that it? I don't like paving forests, we might have to live in them that it? I believe in peace but peace thru strength.Is that it? I'll not be wronged.Isn't that it? I believe in having kids and sticking around to raise them is that it?. I hate suv's those who own them only go to work and back in them. is that it? If I need to go where they can go, I'll get one or just walk. Is that it? I believe in the right of owning and bearing arms and helped to defend that it? I still have long hair and most of those who don't don't fit this.what should I call them? I'm confused!!!!!!!

I think I'll stick with who I am given the alternative. But still, what is a hippie?

OK I just gotta know, what is a hippie?

Hippy is a term referring to a specific lifestyle and belief system in the 1960's and 1970's.

The beliefs: "make love, not war" sums it up pretty well. A group of pacifist young people, who often chose to live in communes, dressing in vivid colors, highly decorated clothing, tie-dye, beads, patches, and wearing long hair. Beards often went along with it. Moccasins and sandals.

Drugs were very popular in this group, especially hallucinogenics and marijuana. Because of the acid, a lot of the "psychedelic" colors and art was produced. Also because of the drugs, a real caring toward each other developed, people watching out for each other while "tripping". That carried over into the whole communal living that became popular.

In the most strict sense of the word, what you might find now are "old hippies", those that are 50 or 60 and above, and their lifestyle and dress hasn't changed much. You'll see that around, especially in the more "artsy" areas, and amazingly enough, Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco, which is where the 60's hippy and drug culture originated.

You, sir, however, I sincerely doubt are a hippy. Not in the correct use of the word. You may well be called that, but by people who are stereotyping and ignorant of the true hippy culture. More likely, you are simply an individualist, with your own look and your own opinions.

By the way, the word is spelled "hippy", and changes to "hippies" when pluralized.

Hope I helped a little. No special backround, just old enough to remember, and with some good old-time hippy friends.

OK I just gotta know, what is a hippie?

hippie |钘瀐ip鑶縷 (also hippy)

noun (esp. in the 1960s) a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair and wearing beads, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs.

OK I just gotta know, what is a hippie?

i think a hippie is someone thats into weed. way into being a tree hugger and way into being a veggetarian..and saving the world and world peace and all that jazz.

that's my what i think.

OK I just gotta know, what is a hippie?

hippie is an anti-establishment anti-war person...usually smokes a great deal of pot...listens to jam bands

not always logn hair

OK I just gotta know, what is a hippie?

A hippie is a term that originally referred to the liberal young people in the late sixties and early 70s, but often is applied today to people who listen to grateful dead, or still exhibit the look and lifestyle of the original hippies. Mostly it applies to people who protest against war, have long hair, and smoke weed and other psychadelic drugs.

OK I just gotta know, what is a hippie?

A Hippie is a person who was raised under the ideological system that came out of the tumultuous 1960's in North America and western Europe. They are either of the flower-child/baby boomer generation or that generations' subsequent offspring. They possess a core belief set revolving around the values of peace and love as being essential in an increasingly globalized society, and they are oftentimes associated with non-violent anti-governmental groups. There is a stigma of drug abuse attached to the hippies that is prevalent to this day, specifically the use and abuse of marijuana and hallucinagens. Many rock movements,poets, artists, and writers from the 1960's to today have associated with this movement, most prominently The Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, and Phish. There are others too numerous to name. The movement, then and now, is considered a sub-culture by sociologists that associates itself with the left in all its political opinions. The conservative right often berates and abuses the opinions of people who associate themselves with the hippie movement and/or lifestyle, as the consider it dangerous and degenerative to a society to favor liberalism to such an extent.

Copy And Paste works GREAT!!! Anyway this site gives lots of explain for other terms that nobody know too!

OK I just gotta know, what is a hippie?

my dad

OK I just gotta know, what is a hippie?

A hippie is a phrase that was used in the 60 to decribe a long haired un bathed under feed lazy pot smoken drug dealing no a count thief ,living in your hose for free person.

OK I just gotta know, what is a hippie?

I'm a hippie. At least that's what they called me and the other folks who lived on the commune back in '73. But since then I've raised 2 boys, worked for 29 years, cut my hair, grew it back, cut it again, quit using pot and drinking, owned 2 houses and I still think the govt. run by a bunch of imbeciles and I still am a (dirty word) liberal.

OK I just gotta know, what is a hippie?

best thing is not to try not putting people into types of groups, for everyone is different and have their own oppinions choosing to stick w/who you are is the best idea you could have other wise you live life trying to fit a streotype and that doesnt wor also the long hair doesnt define a hippie look at Ted Nugent and he loves killing animals

and a defintion of hippie is



Inflected forms: pl.hip璺痯ies A person who opposes and rejects many of the conventional standards and customs of society, especially one who advocates extreme liberalism in sociopolitical attitudes and lifestyles.

OK I just gotta know, what is a hippie?

Hippie means someone who was during the 60's an anti war protester. They were heavily into drugs, and basically rebelled against mainstream society. Here is some more info.

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