Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Will it ever go away ?

Member since: May 20, 2007

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S I cant get rid out it !!!?

i have been battling headlices on my kids everysince my friend brought her kids over and gave it to mine im at wits end i red somewhere to use mayo so i did seems to work but im afarid they will just come right back like they did when i used to exspensive shampoos i hear using teatree oil shampoo will help prevent them but can u buy that at like wal-mart what can white people put in they hair on a daily basics to keep them away !!!!!

Will it ever go away ?

I would, wash all finds of fabrics your kind might use, have them take daily showers, before the showers use alcohol ( Rx) on their hair, ( careful with eyes), then tie a plastic bag over the hair/scalp. After just a few minutes (5), take off the bag, and use a brush, over the sink to get them off, then get them in the shower. This worked really well when my little sister had lice. Good Luck!

Will it ever go away ?

go to a salon and check it out they will tell u what u need to do

Will it ever go away ?

you need to clean/ get rid of all the stuff in your house where the lice may be hiding. This includes laundering all of the bedding in the house (use a laundermat and clean out your washer and dryer), throw out hairbrushes, and round up stuffed animals and pillows, and seal them in plastic bags for at least 24 hours to kill any lice that are hanging on. You might even think of having your carpets and furniture steamed.

Will it ever go away ?

if you have any pets they probably have it and respread it to yor kids when yo get rid of it . and lice like clean hair so im not saying go rub your kids hair in mud but maybe less showers or baths

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