Friday, June 18, 2010

Have you had a day that nothing seemed to be going right for you?

Today.... I scalded my head while washing my hair before breakfast. ARGH! I didn't realise the water had gone HOT, HOT!!! My hair is still feeling a bit sensitive and its nearly dinner time.

Before lunch, I was distracted by an bathroom emergency with the kids and forgot I had left the tap on in the kitchen. I was planning to wash the dishes at the time.

By the time I got back the kicthen was flooded!!! Aargh. Used up all my clean bath towels, mopping up the mess. Now got a big pile of laundry to do.

My eldest son was scolding me and telling me he was going to grass on me. (Wee monkey!) haha

I am keeping my fingers crossed that nothing else will go crazy on me before the end of the day!! Haha

Have you had a day that nothing seemed to be going right for you?

when it happens like that to me i take the first opportunity to take a break, have a tine treat, coffee - tea-whatever, and just sit and think about how little it is in the big scheme of things..and how it'll pass, and a good bit will come along soon or i'll create one. make a list 5 nice things to do for me today.

Have you had a day that nothing seemed to be going right for you?

Sending you a Hug ((HUG))

Have you had a day that nothing seemed to be going right for you?

This truely was not your best day. I can sympathize. Not everyday will go according to what we think it should. Cheer up. Tomorrow will be good, and if it isn't.....there is always the next day.Next time a day like this happens, take five minutes...go into your room(with a Dove bar) eat the dove chocolates and have yourself a good scream into your pillow. You will emerge from your room feeling like you can conquer the world!

Have you had a day that nothing seemed to be going right for you?

I feel you on this one, we all have our days. Thankfully this day wont last forever.. think of it that way.

Have you had a day that nothing seemed to be going right for you?

Only a day.... Wait until they turn into weeks and months then years. Then your really in trouble.

Have you had a day that nothing seemed to be going right for you?

Oh dear! My best wishes... It always happens to me too! Cant find the keys, left the bus, no change to pay the bus, found an atm, but is not working!! oh no!! Kids screaming, hubby calling at the same time!!!

I recently found a song "behind the clouds' from the Cars sountrack, that actually cheers me up a lot...

閳藉皷妯囬埥灏栨▏閳?br> When you're feeling lonely, lost and let down

Seems like those dark skies are following you around

And life's just one big shade of gray

You wonder if you'll see the light of day

Behind the clouds, the sun is shining

Believe me even though you can't quite make it out

You may not see the silver lining

But there's a big blue sky waiting just behind the clouds

I've heard it said that this too shall pass

Good times or bad times, neither one lasts

But thinking that your luck won't ever change

Is like thinking it won't ever stop once it starts to rain

閳藉皷妯囬埥?br>Have you had a day that nothing seemed to be going right for you?

We all have days like that but if you don't laugh then you 'll cry. I like to think that for every bad day like you had there's a balancing day where everything goes right. Though I doubt you'll believe me after having a day like that. lol.

Have you had a day that nothing seemed to be going right for you?

haha ouch! pretty unlucky really

but yerss i have had one of thoughs days

it was yesterday :(

i went to school and walking up it rained my hair went arfo

frist lesson i was late beacuse i woke up late huff, then lunch time my boyfriend avoided me didnt meet where he said he would where then i got bird pooed on! then walked home and had 3 children to look after beause my aunty was ill then i got a bloody txt saying sorry blaa blaa its not working out from my EX boyfriend wich im still upset about :( arrgh well **** happerns unfortunatly x x cheers love x sorry bout my essay here ha byee

Have you had a day that nothing seemed to be going right for you?

Oooh. I'm sorry. Sounds like a bad day. Good news is, tomorrow has to be better, right? Knock on some wood there. Know how you feel. Just give those babies big, big hugs, even if they squirm, and you'll feel better. Maybe even cover that eldest son in kisses. Good luck, hope it gets better!

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