Friday, June 18, 2010

What would you do????

My SIL and her fiance just had a baby (her 2nd..his 1st) and she doesn't work (now, this is by her own choice...she is perfectly capable). Now, she went and applied for Food Stamps and lied on the app. saying that her fiance isn't home enough to "provide" so they end up giving her $400.00/month on food stamps!!!

they have cable, internet, cell phones,and car payments each month.....but have to have the name brand food, and hair care items, laundry soap, etc.

My question here is......should I turn her in for fraud????

I mean every body else has to go to work and leave their kids with a sitter (her excise for not working is that she doesn't want someone else to raise her kids)...AND we are all paying for her to sit at home and type of her computer and watch her cable!!!!! It's very aggravating to me..I have 2 children of my own but I work (as well as my hubby) evern thought I would LOVE to stay home!! I wrong to turn her in????

What would you do????

I really wish that there were more people in the world who have the integrity that you do. You are not doing her any favors by allowing her to let her children grow up with a Welfare Mother.

What would you do????

Do it anonymously.

What would you do????

please, we are all paying for her lazy a$$!

then punch her in the grill!

What would you do????

no your not wrong but don't report her, shes a family member

What would you do????

Yes, because for all intensive purposes, you're paying for her laziness.

I say do it anonymously.

I'd love to get help with my food shopping bill, but I have to work for a living.

She's also taking food out of the mouth of families who really CAN'T make their way for right now. If you don't, Karma will get her in the end.

What would you do????

It is not right what she is doing, but how can you turn family in. Daycare centers want approximately $275.00 a week to watch an infant.

What would you do????

NO you aren't wrong! I worked my butt off to get off welfare and foodstamps that I never wanted to be on in the first place, but was forced to when I didn't get my child support! It really infurates me to see so many people abuse the system! Especially people like her, she can get out and work! I didn't want other people to raise my kids either, but didn't have that option! Then to have cell phones, cable and internet too? I believe you can turn her in without giving your name, so yes please do us all a favor and turn them in! don't let them being family stop you, all the abusers are family to someone! Thank you!

What would you do????

I turned my niece in, you know what, she had a BS degree in Economics I help pay for that school and now I have to watch her suck the social services dry? She also had funds from a trust account she laughed at me when I told her "to be a good citizen" WRONG! Poor thing, finally had to go to work and stop all her spa trips. Don't you feel sorry for her?? No, do it!

What would you do????

You should turn her in. I had an aunt via marriage do about the same thing, and you can do it without your identity being known. You are totally not wrong to turn her in. There may be an actual person you know or have not yet met, that truly needs this, and people doing it fradulently are breaking the law. They are stealing from a program designed to help people who do need it.

What would you do????

What she is doing may be wrong, but it always comes back to them. What you want to do is a form of revenge on bad feelings you have toward her.

What would you do????

Turn her in because she is ruining the system with millions of other people! I work hard for my money everyday while millions of lazy (or just dishonest) people abuse the system.

What would you do????

Your sister has made her own bed and must lie in it. Stay out of her bed.

I mean that every body else has to go to work and they leave the kids with the sitter. NO not every body does. Maybe they should but they don't.

She doesn't want someone else raising her children. I wouldn't want others to have to raise my child if I had one but sometimes others have to look after your children but it can be dangerous for there are child abusers. Do you want to read about the children in the obituary column in the newspaper?

Should I turn her in? I don't know if you two are close but you won't be if you do turn her in. If things are bad DON'T make them worse.

What would you do????

Honestly, I don't think this is right. Other people need those food stamps alot more. I definately would turn her in, annoymonously though. My brother is going to have a baby with his wife too, and he is getting money from the government. Why? I don't know. If they both got off their butts and did something they would have money. He now works at my parent's shop but she isn't working. If she did, they wouldn't qualify for the money. Tis is wrong. There are people alot worse off. Sometimes you just have to live with just the necessities and not anything extra. It is apart of growing up.

What would you do????

$400! That's crazy! Please, report her. You might not want to tell your hus, though.

What would you do????

Yes, you need to report this, you don't need to give your name or anything, call from a public phone, don't give lots of details, the person "reporting" this suppostely don't live there....if you give to many details, they will know is a familiy member. Just tell them all the services they have and thet her boyfriend lives with her.

Don't even ask anybody to help you on this, this is a private mission. When she tells the family what happened, pull out your drama queen acting proud of what you did.

You are right, we support these people.....and don't be surprised about her being pregnant from another guy later..............but she'l be on their "system" list.

Hope this doesn't cause them to come and live with you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!be careful!!!!!!!

What would you do????

This is why the system doesn't work.

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