Is the whole world trying to decieve us out of jelousy and envy. The whole world seems to hate us but every body copy us. People around the world wear braids, twist,cornrows, tan their skin, curl and make their hair kinky, date and marry the black man and woman and have nappy head kids by us. Also listen to our music and sing like us,dance like us, read our history and culture, watch,us, love talkin about us and pretend to be as deep, loving and good natured as we are. Whats up with that.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
I agree with you. White Society want to keep blacks in a certain box. Even though some white people say they hate blacks. You will hear and see them dressing like blacks and using black slang. Black people have flavor and style. We are creative and very resourceful. We are strong people and survivors. I hear some white people on YA talking about black people have big lips and butts. Why are negroids so ugly? They are constantly harassing and dissing blacks. They are the one secretly going to plastic surgery to get their lips and butts enhance. White women wear fake ponytails and weaves too. I notice they copy stuff that black people do. I think some of them secretly envy blacks. Yes. We have to fix the racism we have within our own community too.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
I do not think so many people look down on Black people. I don;t feel race is important. I neither admire nor look down on anyone based on race, religion, sexual orientation, etc...
It sounds like you suffer from racial chauvinism. Get it looked at... chauvinism is the bedrock of fascism.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
I believe that black people are still suffering from a post-slave period. Even when black people were slaves their music was copied.
Hopefully, one day everybody will get along.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
We as Black people allow it to happen. We've continue to sit back and allowed ourselves to be disrespected and ill treated by others. Take a look at today's society.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall!!
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
I don't think many people look down on black people. Most people probably don't think about black people one way or the other. I also don't think any race or culture of people is most admired. Each has traditions that are enjoyed and celebrated within its own group. Often times, these traditions spill over. Right now, many people are enjoying celebrating the Year of the Pig. Cultural awareness may be something you haven't been exposed to very much.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
I Ditto Norm's post.
Check your belief system for inherent flaws.
None of us should think we're better or worse.
Fashion is so capricious that no one can claim they invented this or that--it's whimsy, that's all.
The children of the near future will have no distinguishable racial profile--except for maybe blue-eyed blondes, and they will be in the equivalent of a human zoo.
Good luck.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
Well the world is changing and every one copies what they like and i think some should be admired too. Like for example Martin Luther King had kind of learned to do what he did by studing what gandhi gee did and he probally did the same. and i do stuff that people around the world do.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
Not every white person admires the black race. Some do and some dont its a fact. Dont Generalise...
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
I really don't know why, many African-American people are an inspiration in music(jazz music), politics and human rights, everyone is should be =. Although i must be honest, I am not a fan of rap music b/c most of the time it is talking about negative things or illegal things like smoking, alcohol sometimes contains bad words or just has inappropriateness
maybe that's one reason why, I'm not sure, i don't want to insult anyone or any fan of rap but that is just my opinion.
i know that the kkk (klu klux klan)looks down on afracan american people and still do ( long story)
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
The whole world doesn't hate you. The whole world isn't copying you either. Stop generalizing...Do you think the entire white race is conspiring against you? Come on, get real...Your whole rant is no different then some ignorant white, s..t for brains individual. You want the whole world to love you...It just isn't realistic. Next time, check your ego at the door.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
There are incredible things about every race. All races have gifted people, not just blacks, and not just whites. I'm white, and it infuriates me that there are white people put themselves on pedestals, But black people do too, they put black people above everyone else, and I hate that just as much. I don't understand why people can't look past color and see the person. God, We're all human, regardless of our skin color, and all races have incredibly gifted people to offer the world. But it sounds like you do the same thing too, that blacks are better than whites, that's just as bad as what the whites you're complaining about. I just wish we all could be blind for one day and not see the color of the people we are dealing with. I think we all would be surprised.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
I have to strongly disagree. And please do not lable me as being a hater of the black race. I have not problems with black people. The reason the black race is getting the rap that it currently has is simple. Your young men are animals and run around proving they are. The black man of today is murdering the black race all over the world. In American black gangs have began a real issue. Black woman are following suit which is a shame as well. So why would you think we would admire you or even envy you.
People are respected because of charactor. This is the real issue in the black race today. The lack of charactor for the most part has created a great divid between all the other races and the black race. Charactor is a quality that is gained thur adversity. There is good and bad charactor. In the case of the black race you seem to want a fairy tail existance. Always living in the past never embracing the future. Example always harping on the slave days never admitting that just as many blacks owned slaves as whites. Why is that important! Shows you lack character is admitting the truth. Is that important, Blacks today go to college under government programs when better educated students of other races can't. Students that worked hard only to be bumped out of school so a less qualified black man or woman could go to school. So you are a special class of citizen. Have you been rewarded because of merit no, you were rewarded because you are black. This shows a hand me up mantality and a lack of charactor. What happens is yu end up with a bunch of black people that did not have to suffer to gain charactor that would actually being wisdom and understanding to the needs of sufferage. All people suffer yes all, whites, blacks and the rest.
When people who do not have to work advance become advanced in the social order the results will be the destruction of that social race. This is happening today in the black race.
I have a great many black friends, and we speak of these things all the time. I am glad to report that some black people have good charactor. But also they will tell you that todays youth lact real charactor. Charactor is developed not earned and not mandated by congress. I want to point out that charactor today is the number one problem in all races.
Our nation has forgot that the charactor we instill in our children has long term results. And the failure to instill quality charactor is destroying the youth of the nations. In America there can't be healing of the races until the charactor of the races is restored.
Also i would like to add that the whole world is not copying black people. You need to get real, were i live the black people and the white people are the same. Just hard working people trying to have a good life. We dress the same and we talk the same. We even eat the same food and drink the same soda. I myself live fried chicken and watermelon. We all do here. We are what you call real. And we do not care what any one thinks. We are humans. But one thing you will find here that you can't find in those big cities is charactor.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
i fear that you have become delusional. please seek treatment.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
You sure don't act loving and good-natured... Unless hatred of those not like you is loving... if it is, then all racists, including you, would be...
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
I agree with you. People always hatin' on us, then go behind our backs and talk **** about us. They really need to stop that!! People talk about black people like they change they damn socks!! I'm not trying to be racist or trying to act like black people are ALL THAT but many people hate on black people.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
Dey dont wanna admit we the smartest there iz.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
Why don't you cut the crap and give us a good ol' n i g g e r work song?
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
You are absolutely right. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't get up in the morning,look in the mirror and say "how can I make myself look more like a n i g g e r?".
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
I don't admire black people, and not all black people are 'loving and good natured' as you say, oh and by the way, you don't need a full stop if you are using a '?', just thought i would let you know !
Have you ever considered people 'diss' and 'hate on you' because of your whining like now?
To people who think white people owe you something, we don't, you personally didn't work as slaves did you, you wasn't caused hurt by this, hell if it wasn't for that you probably wouldn't be in America now!
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
Robert Shelton, you are a benefit to mankind. Thank you.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
B*tch please, dont even try and post a question on here, trying to defend Blacks, you've been bashing black females with your questions, on almost every single question you posted on Yahoo anwers. I'm convince, YOUR NOT EVEN A BLACK FEMALE!!
Your just a troublemaker hiding behind a black avatar!!!!
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
Are you serious? Copy you? Deep? Whoa! Are you in America? I'll tell you what....the 90's are over. It might have resembled something like what you described back then, but I think society is wising up and realizing that the slavery days are beyond our ability to reconcile, rap stinks, R%26amp;B is too whiny, white rappers are a joke, and spageti and fish are not to be eaten in the same meal!! And the hair thing......I'll be damned if I met a black person that had decent, long, well-managed hair that was real! Yes, us white people are not bald with wigs, because we can't get our hair to do what we want, like you. Good natured? Your culture is all about screwing do you think you were sold to America. It wasn't a white guy that sold you to a white guy.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
Imitation is most sincerest form of flattery. They mimic our hairstyles, even our cornrows, the way we dress, the way we walk and talk. They even love the black man. They do not look down on us, secretly they want to be us.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
I'm not so sure so many do.
I am older and have always thought black
women know how to dress nice better than
us white women.
The kinky hair started long ago with the "white"
spiral in the South.
The music-I don't know. I think the young kids
get a kick out of how vulgar a lot of it is.
But it is your opening statement that is "off"
when you say blacks are the most admired.
Just like whites, Indians, etc. those who accomplish a good life are admired and emulated.
I am afraid that you are a little racist which
bounces off you like a lot of white people who
are racist.
From what I have studied, if we get to heaven
we are no color, just light.
Why do so many people look down on black people, when we are the most admired.?
The entire world has been trying to keep the black man down for many centuries due to jealousy. For example, they deny the most obvious and indisputable truths. Buddha was an Ethiopian king who was kidnapped by the evil asians and forced to produce a religion for them. Far from being deified, he was kept in a cage and had his mystical powers slowly sucked away by this evil race, until he died, lonely and longing for the motherland. George Washington was really a black man born with pale features, stolen from the African heartland because the whites knew that one of their own could never rise to lead the nation, yet afraid to abide an actual "black" man leading them. And George Washington Carver, who invented a peanut-based formula for immortality, is still to this day kept in a locked cell three miles underground in Langley, VA--forced to churn out inventions for the CIA. Yes, they owe us much, and are as ungrateful as they are jealous.
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