i dont know what else to do my daughter is 6 nearly 7 she pulls her hair out on her head eye lashes eye brow and she has a huge bald spot now on her head and also only half eye brows she urinates all over her room %26amp; has also poohed 2 times %26amp; wen i ask her why she does these things she says "coz im lazy" she is seeing a pyciatrist which is doing nothing my other kids do none of this she eats and eats and steals food she eats so much she looks pregnant %26amp; can barely walk the school just feeds her up %26amp; she lies sayin shes had no brekky when she has i jus get critasised all time when im doing all i can 2 find out wats wrong i need some help as i dont know wat else i can do i love all my kids and i hate her being this way as i cant find no answers so i can help
im not the perfect mum but i do my best she has been like this for years all the help i get is blown in my face i hope some1 can suggest something i havent already tried
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This could be a condition called trichotillomania, the compulsive pulling or twisting of the hair. Her emotional
wellbeing may be the cause. Try cutting her hair real short, to make it more difficult for her to pull out. As for the eating and other things, it sounds as if she has some extreme emotional problems, and her counselor should be able to help her with it. Keep bringing her to different doctors until you finally get an answer. This is not normal for a young girl. Good luck to you.
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I have a sneaky feeling she might be autistic. Please get her diagnosed in a proper Center.
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As for the hair pulling, that sounds like trichotillomania, which is linked to OCD. The treatment for that is usually antidepressants, but I don't know if they would prescribe something like that for a young child. You might tell her psychiatrist you suspect that's what is going on, and if s/he gives her something for it, it might help with the other behaviors as well.
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Please ignore "Wink Winkleman's" insensitive comment! I think that's really mean of him. It sounds rather scary and horrible.
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I'm just a kid but it sounds like she has Trichotillomania.You can look it up on Wikipedia.org
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there could be something mentally wrong with her. Get her checked out. when i say checked out i mean get her observed by pshycologists. she could have a disorder.
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i would love 2 help u but i dont know what 2 tell u 2 do!!!! i think 2 help her with her eating is giving her like fruits and veggies and healthy stuff like that!!! well good luck helping her!!!!
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Since I don't know what you have tried I will just state what I would do.
1. Take her to the doctors again and again until she is properly diagnosed and her meds take care of this situation.
2. Take her to a different counselor to find one who will help, not just take your money.
3. Supervise her 24/7/365. If you must, get government help for this. She needs to be cured or she will live a miserable life.
4. Make sure you don't neglect your other children, involve them in her care.
5. Every time you see her doing something wrong, don't scold, just constantly repeat the same positive statements regarding the issues. This is brain washing, the simplest form of teaching. You have to be consistent as well as those who help you with her.
6. Take care of yourself. Without you, she will be lost.
Good Luck!
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This child is deeply emotionally disturbed . Hypnosis could be a solution to get to the root cause . But be ready for a shock result .. Good luck
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Your daughter may have a psychological disorder called Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling)...you can google it for more information.
If she is seeing a doctor that is NOT helping her learn how to control her behavior, it's time to find another doctor.
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Call around to different hospitals and ask for a good DR. you are the only person who is responsible for helping her and she needs lots of help/meds/therapy to stop the OCD-like behaviors. Call your insurance company ask for a good qualified DR who specializes or has dealt with this type of issue. Be aggressive in finding a great DR. to help your child. I wish you a lots of luck and it might take awhile but everything will work out. Just stay on top of everything!
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I am not a doctor but have you tried discipline.Forget the Doctor Spock stuff,his kid committed suicide so he didnt know squat.Forget time outs they dont work.I am talkin a good old fashion bare bum spanking.I didnt believe in spanking but nothing was working with my 5 year old.He was spoiled rotten,did what he wanted and had tantrums all the time so I finally dropped hid pants and gave him a few good slaps to the bum.It shocked the heck out of him but worked.
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was she sexually abused? she sounds very depressed. what's school like? yell at a doctor for a recomemdation to a specialist. they don't do it till you usually get pissed.
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This sounds like some form of Autism. There are all different forms of this,not all Autistic children sit in their own world and not speak,etc. You need to find a different doctor for her. I'm sorry to hear about this and know how frustrating it can be. If the doctor/therapist,etc isnt to your standards finding out a thing,or seem to be helping much,then tell them what you want done period,that's their job,remember they are working for you!,or change,even if that means 10/20 time's. My youngest son who is now 5,went through a stage where he would bang his head so hard that he would bruise himself,leave goose eggs on his head,he would bite himself drawing blood,and didnt seem to feel pain like other children,he also pooped in his room a couple time's,and still sometimes pee's. His temper tantrum's are very difficult and has to be held down at time's or he will either hurt himself or start breaking things. when he was very young,he started walking and then stopped,same with talking,and anyway,they are still testing him with things because there really isnt a test for Autism,it's basically when everything else is ruled out. He is learning however fine,right with his class,but other things are just not your average boy and I knew this because I have an older son as well,and it's not hard to see,but they feel he has some form. The hardest thing you will find,even when diagnosed,is getting the proper help,and understanding. God Bless and hope things get worked out soon. A lot of these children are very bright,and need higher stimulation such as,talking with adult's rather than other kids,my son is the same way,also from the time he was 1,he was always into book's,phone books,dictionary's,etc. Has she had her IQ checked? If you bring this up to her teacher's,principal,they by law have to help her,giving her IQ test's and even more,so talk with them or look up on the internet for your state on how you go about this.
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I would try a different psychiatrist and also a plain old therapist/social worker. The psychiatrist should be focusing on the medical aspect to her behavior - a therapist is not a medical doctor, but deals better with the environmental and familial factors which may be contributing to her behavior.
It sometimes takes trying many docs to find the right providers that will work for her and your family. And at 6, whatever doc you have should be involving you in the process as well, not just her seeing the doc on her own all the time.
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i would look into willie prader syndrome...sounds like what your daughter is going through
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I thought about your question very hard, and remembered a firend of mine who had a son who had similar behaviors. He was diagnosed with OCD. Here is some information about it:
OCD is an anxiety disorder in which the brain gets stuck on a particular thought or urge and can't let go.(For example, pulling out hair) OCD manifests itself in obsessive thinking or beliefs that tell a child: "If you don't do X, then something uncomfortable or even life-threatening will happen." Think of OCD as an "overactive alarm system." The rise in anxiety or worry is so strong that the child feels like he or she must perform the task or dwell on the thought, over and over again, to the point where it interferes with everyday life. Most children realize that they really don't have to repeat the behaviors over and over again, but the anxiety can be so great that they feel that repetition is "required" to neutralize the uncomfortable feeling.
Obsessions are repeated thoughts or impulses that are out of place - they cause the child to experience anxiety or distress. They're out of the child's control and different from normal thoughts. The child usually attempts to ignore or suppress obsessive thoughts or impulses by neutralizing them with another thought or action - a compulsion. For example, a child who is plagued with doubts about getting enough food might compulsively over eat, again and again, to ensure that they will get enough food.
It's important to understand that the obsessive-compulsive behavior is not something that a child with OCD can stop if he or she just tries harder. OCD is a disorder, just like any physical disorder - it's not something the child can control.
OCD can make daily life difficult for the kids that it affects and their families. The behaviors often take up a great deal of time and energy of the child with OCD, making it more difficult to complete tasks, such as homework or chores, or to enjoy life. In addition to feeling frustrated or guilty for not being able to control his or her own thoughts or actions, a child with OCD also may suffer from low self-esteem from the shame or embarrassment about what he or she is thinking or feeling.
A child with OCD also may feel pressured because he or she doesn't have enough time to do everything. The child might become irritable because he or she feels compelled to stay awake late into the night or miss an activity or outing to complete the compulsive rituals. The child might have difficulties with attention or concentration because of the intrusive thoughts.
It is common for these obsessions and compulsions to be related to food. A child with OCD might feel compelled to eat just a restricted range of foods, thus compromising his or her own nutrition needs.
Treating OCD:
The most successful treatments for children with OCD are behavioral therapy and medication. Behavioral therapy, also known as cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (CBT) helps a child learn to change thoughts and feelings by first changing behavior. It involves exposing the child to his or her fears to decrease the surrounding anxiety. For example, a child who is afraid of dirt might be exposed to something he or she considers dirty until the child no longer fears it.
For exposure to be successful, it is often combined with response prevention, in which the child's rituals or avoidance behaviors are blocked. For example, the child who fears dirt must not only stay in contact with the dirty object, he or she also must not be allowed to wash repeatedly. Some treatment plans involve having the child "bossing back" the OCD, giving it a nasty nickname, and visualizing it as something the child can control.
OCD can sometimes worsen if it's not treated in a consistent, logical, and supportive manner. So it's important to find a therapist who has training and experience in treating OCD. Family support and cooperation also go a long way toward helping a child cope with OCD.
Many kids can do well with behavioral therapy alone while others will need a combination of behavioral therapy and medication. Therapy can help your child and family learn strategies to manage the ebb and flow of OCD symptoms, while medication, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), often can reduce the impulse to engage in the ritualistic behavior.
You and your child's doctors should agree upon the most appropriate strategy to cope with your child's OCD.
How You Can Help You Child:
It's important to understand that OCD is never the child's fault. Once a child is in treatment, it's important for parents to participate, to learn more about OCD, and to modify expectations and be supportive. Keep in mind that kids with OCD get better at different rates so try to avoid any day-to-day comparisons of your child's behaviors, and recognize and praise any small improvements. Keep in mind that it's the OCD that is causing the problem, not the child. The more that personal criticism can be avoided, the better.
It's can be helpful to your child to keep family routines as normal as possible, and for all family members to learn strategies to help the child with OCD.
For more information, try this site:
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Drop the psychiatrist and get a pediatrician who specializes in autism to help you out. Tell your family doctor that's what you need and make him either give you a referral or find a pediatrician that can help you. The psychiatrist is trying to find out how she is thinking not what could be causing her behaviors. Its a hard road and you will probably have to fight to get the help you need. Good Luck!
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May be she needs your attention as her dad has left you.I am sorry but all your questions seem to be about silly things in life .If i was worried about my son that's the first thing i would ask.
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if the "experts" can't help you, I highly doubt any of the ppl here can help you.
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it sounds like a psychological problem. I suggest seeking help from a psycologist, but avoid psychiatrist b'coz they sometimes can push drugs more than helping sort out the root of the problem. possibly wilson's or OCD-but i'm just guessing. Just keep asking people for help, Dr.'s or the health unit, or wherever-just keep asking until someone starts paying attention and has her assessed.
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