Thursday, November 26, 2009

What do you look back at from your childhood and laugh at?

I am a child of the 80's. I think about when I was just a little kid I was one of the youngest kids in the family. I soooo wanted to be like all my older cousins and sister. They would do my hair up as big as they could, put on the brightest blue eyeshadow and red lipstick they could find, and of course you had to have the tightrolled pants to go with your shirt with the knot or clip in it. We would turn up music videos and I would be the lead lip singer! Even to this day I burst out into a song from Culture Club, Cindy Laupper, Firehouse, or whatever. My kids are still little, so they just think I'm crazy.

What do you look back at from your childhood and laugh at?

my dads ex wives and all dem dere young uns

What do you look back at from your childhood and laugh at?

playing house and church with my dolls

What do you look back at from your childhood and laugh at?

my parents

What do you look back at from your childhood and laugh at?

My hair! It had to stand straight up with aqua net! shoes too big for me so that i could wear 6 dif pairs of socks of dif colors! belt bigger then me! and my god... lets not talk about the makeup! (ok though my makeup in this pic is a little crazy somethings never die!:)

What do you look back at from your childhood and laugh at?

school,both grade and high school

What do you look back at from your childhood and laugh at?

I grew up in the 80's also and I had the really big hair. I used to breakdance and when I see kids these days breakdancing it really takes me back to my childhood.

What do you look back at from your childhood and laugh at?

I like to remember back to when I was a kid, I have a younger sister and brother, and they were very impressionable, I could make them do almost anything. We once turned the sprinkler on high enough that it watered the back yard from the front yard. lol. or we would take my mothers brand new panty hose, I would take one foot, my brother would take the other and we would pull them from the second floor to the basement, or as far as we could stretch them, then we would put them back in her drawer... she could never understand why her pantyhose never fit. She is 4'10" tall. I'm lmao right now. aah memories!

What do you look back at from your childhood and laugh at?

i am a child of the eightys i look back at when i was trying to ride my bike without training wheels for the first time we were at the park next to a pond my dad let go i pedled for a bit then went head first into the pond and got full of mud

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