Do not say ''Arm the police'' because that will simply make you look stupid.
Please, do you really want some spiked hair teenager with a gun in his hand looking out for you and your kids?
Ok, second choice?....
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
Blame the idiotic politically correct making retards bread like rabbits and a complete lack of punishment for crime. If the prisons are full its because they are not bad enough why not make scum work in sweat shops and give something back to society. Gun crime is allowed to happen on purpose so one day we will live in a police state this is no accident the government wants this to happen. PS great question someone else asking interesting things
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
The sale of hand guns or replica hand guns should be banned. Simple as. What purpose do they serve anyway?
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
Criminals will not purchase a gun legally, so banning guns is pointless. Allow citizens to arm themselves, so that they can protect themselves. Which will then allow the police force to work on capturing criminals, instead of trying to protect citizens. An armed citizen is a deterrent to crime.
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
its getting like the usa i have noticed kids in london are taken in by the rap scene and its crap next they have a gun and drugs and charva cars i thought this country was okay but with gun crime and knives it takes the piss there is no need for all the violence there are better things to do in life
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
Make guns legal in private properties and legal to use on private property to trespassers in certain situations.
If you want to buy a gun for a private residence, you should be able to carry it home as long as it is packaged well and would take you minutes to remove it from the packaging or it is in a locked boot in a locked box.
Any person on the streets with a gun not in the above situations should receive a MIN of 25 yrs, no parole, for carrying a gun.
Those who use a gun on the streets should get LIFE in prison, LIFE MEANING UNTIL THEY DIE.
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
Hungerford and Dunblane should have made the government think about this.You are right we are now rapidly lurching towards something where our society will look like a bad sci-fi film with gun killings in our streets on a daily basis.
Britain in the last fifty years has been fairly innocent regarding firearms. I can remember American visitors being amazed that our police did not carry guns.Sadly now this is not the case.As a parent and concerned citizen I think we have to clamp down in the heaviest possible terms ie.
If found in posssesion of a firearm , the law accepts that you would have had the potential to kill therefore you will be sentenced as such.Death penalty.End of.Its the same with knives I live in a small town in Scotland.In the last year we have had two fatal stabbings.Two decent lads going about their business and got killed.I accept and understand that some may think this is draconion but our children are being slaughtered in the streeet.This must stop
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
I think they should renew the law so that anyone caught with a gun, replica or not, or involved in any gun crime received a minimum sentence of 30 years in prison with no time off, perhaps then people would have to think very carefully was it worth the sentence to carry a gun.
Other than that I can't think of anything else that would work .
Imagine sitting next to some spiked haired teenager with a an attitude problem if everyone was allowed to carry one,I wouldn't like that, would you?
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
From the Home Office website;
"Contrary to public perception, the overall level of gun crime in the UK is very low 閳?less than 0.5% of all crime recorded by the police."
Far more people are killed or injured by car drivers speeding or driving recklessly. Doesn't make very interesting reading though, so it wouldn't sell papers.
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
Apply the same rule as is applied to drugs. If you are caught in possession of a controlled substance above a certain amount the police will reasonably suspect that you are holding with intent to supply, right?
So, if you are caught in possession of an unlicensed weapon* they should be able to reasonably assume that you intend to commit a violent crime with it.
*Certain weapons can be held legally for legitimate purposes - vermin control on farms, for example. Handguns, (semi) automatics and sawn-off shotguns do not fall into this category.
Make the penalty full-life imprisonment but with the possibility of remission/TOFGB where no violent crime was actually committed. Any early release possibilities to be forfeited if injury or death had been caused with that weapon.
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
The government have already introduced a minimum five-year sentence for people convicted of possessing an illegal firearm. Reports suggest that this is not being used enough and the full sentence not given. In any case it only means half that, which I find ridiculous.
They also made it an offence to possess an air weapon or imitation firearm in public without legal authority or reasonable excuse. This was a good move in my mind.
They increased the age limit for possession of air rifles to 17
prohibited certain air weapons that are easily converted to fire live ammunition.
The Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 includes provisions to:
target imitation firearms 閳?by making it illegal to manufacture or sell imitation firearms that could be mistaken for real firearms, strengthening sentences for carrying imitation firearms, and creating tougher manufacturing standards so imitations can閳ユ獩 be converted to fire real ammunition
reduce illegal use of air weapons 閳?by increasing the age limit for buying or firing air weapons without supervision
Targeting illegal firearm supplies by trying to cut off the supply of firearms into the country by tightening security on import routes and international mail, and monitoring online firearm suppliers.
Tackling the rise in gun culture by establishing the Connected (new window) programme to support local community groups in their fight against gun crime.
I think that the government in some ways are going in the right direction, however I would up the minimum sentence for possession of firearms. A 5 year sentence generally means 2.5 - 3 years, which is not enough.
In my job I have many dealings with the effects of gun crime and see little deterrant for those that carry them.
We deal and target many drug gangs whose members are suspected of having access to firearms (mostly pistols because they can be discreetly hidden). Most of the gangs and members in my area are black (I'm not being racist and I say this from my knowledge of them) and think nothing of shooting at other gang members.
Despite the heavy presence and targetting of these individuals, for them it is business as usual. They are fully aware of us but are happy to take the risk. We chip away at them but invariably as one is sent down another is released.
I think the safest bet is to come down hard on those who carry and use firearms (not air weapons). Tough sentencing followed by deportation (when applicable). Send out a clear message to these idiots that we will not tolerate it. Unfortunately it means the government need to get tough.... something which I do not feel they are capable of doing!!
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
Make gun crime actually seem like a crime, meaning send to prison those using, supplying,importing guns , at the moment with our stupid british legal system people commiting gun crime as punished with stupid light sentences like 10 months, do you think that will really encourage those sort of ppl not to use guns, personaly i think it will get them more street cred when they are released, Also it is too easy to get a gun and ammo in the uk completely LEGALY. So the huge lop holes need to be closed.
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
The purpose of buying a tool is to use it.
Therefore, carrying with intent to use is the crime and must carry a 5 year minimum prison sentence.
The use of a gun is with intent to kill, therefore must carry a 25 year minimum prison sentence.
The trading in guns must similarly carry 5 years, as this is aiding and abetting a gun crime.
If there are other crimes involved, the above tariff should be added to the prison sentence not run at the same time.
However, the above will not happen, due to gutless Politicians.
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
Shoot anyone owning a gun and gun shop owners,.
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
0.05% (or whatever that statistic was above) is absolute rubbish. Think of Rhys Jones recently, shot in the back while out playing with his friends ... 10 years old!!! Shootings are far too frequent lately with far too many youngsters getting killed ... the gun "men" are barely "men", they're still kids themselves and caught with a gun without a licence ... 25 years seems fair, killing someone - a life sentence doesn't seem good enough for them. We need ZERO TOLERANCE!
What is your answer to the rise in gun crime in the UK?
bullets should cost 鎷?000 no one could aford it.
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