Sunday, November 29, 2009

Popularity is takeing over me?

i am a really bad geek! my freinds and i are looked dwn opon! and ever since i was just entering fith grade i was looked down opon and now im in seventh grade!!!and i feel as if everyone is looking at me in disgust i am really nerdy!!! i went shopping and i wasted all of my christmas presents on clothes by telling my parents all i wanted was clothes from abercrombie so i could be more popular. i put on make up every day and i do my hair difrently daily and i try to be freindly and nice to the popular kids! how can i be more popular!!???????? am i ruining my life?

Popularity is takeing over me?

Oh sweetie, you've touched my heart. I was a geek in high school, but you would never know by looking at me. You don't need to wear you knowledge on your sleeves. You are your own person and not because you're smart means that you have to look a mess. You don't need to be over doing it either. Develop your own sense of style and stop trying to fit in. Some of the most innovative individuals were in fact that.......... individuals. Be yourself and love yourself. When you exude self love, others will love you too.

Popularity is takeing over me?

Once you get out of high school and enter college, being popular won't mean anything. It's best to be yourself and make friends that you enjoy being aroung so when school is over, you can still be friends with those people and know you didn 't have to be fake in order to keep them.

Popularity is takeing over me?

Well - it sounds like you are doing all the outside stuff find - its the inside stuff that you need some work on. You need to be liking yourself more it sounds like. If you like your self more the other things will come around. Trust me - stop looking at the outside and understand its the inside stuff that is the most important.

Good Luck!!!

Popularity is takeing over me?

Quit trying to be popular! If you have friends then you are fine. I used to be just like you and I eventually feel into a depression. I didn't tell anybody but I finally got myself out of it by telling myself that I look fine. Those "popular" girls aren't fine. They are the ones who are going to lose their virginity in their teen years and be pressured into things that aren't good things. I'm not because I don't get all hung up on it anymore. Quit saying you're not pretty enough or quit saying nobody likes you because you know it's not true!!! : )

Popularity is takeing over me?

I think that if you try to be nice to everyone and help out in school activities everyone will envy and like you because your this girl whos already popular but also a role model for your school

Popularity is takeing over me?

don't sweat it, you'll be fine

Popularity is takeing over me?

well i wouldn't be able to tell from your avatar,but your not going to be happy i'm one to tell you,be yourself,

Popularity is takeing over me?

We live in a world of dichotomy. Do you know what that means?

A world of opposites. Here is the irony of your situation. The day you quit caring about being popular is when you will become more popular.

When I was young I use to think everybody was looking at me and judging me, but the reality was that they were not looking or judging becuase my peers thought the same thing. They thought everyone was looking at them.

How much are you paying attention to other and pinponiting out what is wrong with them. Not much I bet and that is what is going on with them.

So don't worry and enjoy your life.

Popularity is takeing over me?

you're only a geek if you think you are. as far as popular kids go, if they treat you nicely in return, they might very well deserve your friendship. if they don't, screw them! as for people who look at you with disgust, they're just dumb, stupid buttholes who deserve none of your time, attention, money and energy.

clothes, by the way does not make one popular. want a good image? be kind to people. and work hard to achieve something. exceed their expectations, like comming up top in a karatae championship. the road will be hard, and people will emberass you in a bid to pull you down. you may even make a fool of yourself, but don't worry about it. it's all part of being committed and it eventually pays off.

Popularity is takeing over me?

Don't change yourself, just be yourself. Show your personality and who you REALLY are. Be confident. If you know you閳ユ獧e cute, funny, and fun to be around, you閳ユ獟l be able to share those qualities with others. Be outgoing. Being shy and timid won閳ユ獩 win you any new friends. You閳ユ獧e going to have to talk to people. You cannot be afraid to talk to others. Whether it閳ユ獨 chatting up to popular girls in class or at lunch, getting yourself invited to the hottest parties, or winning an athletic contest, make your name known. Everybody needs to know who you are.

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