Thursday, November 26, 2009

This boy is coming between me and my grades?

okay so i just started school on tuesday. as i was walking through the halls with a million screaming and running kids, i saw this boy. not just any boy though. he has really long blonde hair and a cute face with great style. he's not in any of my classes but he is all i think about. i get so self conscious and never want to eat since i just lose my apatite thinking about him. i wouldn't even want him in any of my classes because i would freak out too much. i have never felt this way over "some boy". how do i get over this?

This boy is coming between me and my grades?

Crushes go as fast as they come. One day you will see him and feel nothing and you will be over it

This boy is coming between me and my grades? and get over it...(dont eat to get over it) just dont stave yourself

This boy is coming between me and my grades?

well just try to focus on ur homework and classes... trust me i am a couple years older than you and i still am happy i dont have a boy friend..

This boy is coming between me and my grades?

Well there really is no way to get over it you just have to discipline yourself so that your grades come first.

This boy is coming between me and my grades?

ok... dont worry about explaining your age... it happens to 30 years old girls too!

Few things to remember:

*he might be really handsome but is not worth sh*t

*if it is meant to be you will see him again and you guys will stay together

*your grade and education is more important

This boy is coming between me and my grades?

Aw, it's just a crush. It's harmless. However, boys shouldn't be that important that you can't even eat or study. Since you don't know him, keep him as a crush, but focus on your schoolwork which is more productive and important. If you can, try to meet him, that way you can probably break whatever "Prince" spell he has on you. It's only the first week of school, and there's a good chance you'll meet another boy before the end of the year.

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