Sunday, November 29, 2009

Does anyone know how to grow more baby hair and help hair to stop from falling?

my hair has been falling for so long already and its not the normal kind of falling its a lot and i mean A LOT of hair that falls right now i have a little bit of hair and im not kidding i think an old lady (with much respect) has more hair than i do. so i'm looking for some advice from specialist with hair or someone who went through the same thing im going through that will help my hair to stop from falling of, i need quick advice. by the way i already went with a dermathologist and he told me like a year ago that i needed iron and that that was why my hair fell and that was not true because i kept drinking iron pills and eating things with a lot of iron in them and nothing happened so i don't know give me your opinions and advice.

well thank you for taking the time to reading this and for your help

Does anyone know how to grow more baby hair and help hair to stop from falling?


A lady named Mildred Carter is a Natural health expert and has written a book entitled Body Reflexology. . .Healing at Your Fingertips.

This is going to be a bit lengthy but I will do it to help you.

Here is an exert from her book on Energizing Hair Roots.

The first thing to do to energize the hair is to grab handfuls of hair and pull. As you gently pull, you will feel head coming alive.

To further stimulate these reflexes in the head, lightly close your hands into loose fists. With a loose wrist action, lightly pound the whole head.

Next is buffing the nails. Place the fingernails of one hand against the fingernails of the other hand and buff them together. Buff, faster and faster, until you are making them sing. After doing this a few moments, stop and hold the hands relaxed. Feel the buildup of electrical energy in the hands. When you relax, you feel this powerful force stimulating your whole body, expecially the roots of the hair. It will grow hair for you.

She also recommends after washing your hair, to rinse with a vinegar water mixture as it is good for uncloging the hair folicles. Also recommends using aloe vera and jojoba (Ho Ho Ba).

Check your health food store for jojoba shampoo.

Also use a wire hair brush to stimulate the hair folicles and to stimulate hair growth.

Also take zinc as it is good for hair growth.

Do the above, and your hair loss will stop, and you will grow new healthy hair, like a baby.

Good luck and good health to you, now and forever.

Have a nice Thanksgiving,

Darryl S.

Does anyone know how to grow more baby hair and help hair to stop from falling?

Find a doctor that knows about allpeacha ( spelling is wrong I think ). It's pronounced Al-o-pea-sha.

Does anyone know how to grow more baby hair and help hair to stop from falling?

The cure for your problem would be worth Billions of $ so if ya find one remember when ya market it remember me

Does anyone know how to grow more baby hair and help hair to stop from falling?

Natural homemade remedies for Dandruf, Spiltends, Hairloss,

Hot oil massages Fruit pack for hair,- ingredients from your kitchen cabinet --

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